Functional Skills Entry level 2 qualification:
Making calls, sending texts and taking photos using mobile devices
Identifying the parts of a computer, how to switch it on and work at ease
Using internet and keep your personal details safe online
Learn what common gadgets do and how to connect them to a computer
Opt the best technology for different tasks
Use an internet web browser to search the internet for specific information
Use email to keep in touch with family, friends and colleagues
Create documents with a word processing
Functional Skills Entry level 3 qualification:
Use internet, email and social networking sites to systematize your social life
Use the internet to plan & organize journeys and buy travel tickets
Use E-Mail to keep in touch and understand its advantages & Limitation
Use different IT applications to chat online
Use online social media for communication
Create a comfortable work area and stay safe online
Upload photos from a camera and build a computer music library
Online secure banking and shopping
Benefits of using comparison websites to plan a holiday
Write letters and formal documents
Create posters, flyers and informal documents with a word processor
Create basic budget spreadsheet file using Excel Application
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